Management team - WestWay Immigration Services Inc.

      Amar Praful Gandhi RCIC # R526215

      Rohan Mody RCIC # R525462

      Verify Status with CICC: Find an immigration Consultant

Expertise is just the beginning

No case is too complex or too simple for our licensed professionals to handle with care. Each client we represent will have dedicated licensed professionals handling their file from initial consultation until the end of the process.

Our immigration professionals are directly accessible to answer any questions or concerns and respond to inquiries immediately. We pride ourselves on providing first rate customer service to each and every client we represent.

We want to help you make Canada Home.
Why Consult Us

If the answer to any of the following questions is “No“, you may risk jeopardizing an important life decision.

  • Do I understand how Canadian immigration evaluates foreign credentials including education, employment experience, businesses and acquisition of foreign assets?
  • Do I know how to present information about myself and my dependents which is relevant in the context of current Canadian immigration law?
  • Do I understand which criteria are used to make the decision on whether or not my application will be approved?
  • Do I know how to make detailed submissions which incorporate relevant information to meet the requirements of immigration law?
  • Do I know how to minimize the processing time by obtaining a waiver of interview?
  • Do I have the knowledge of Canadian immigration laws, immigration regulations, immigration policy, and important federal court decisions which may be relevant in the processing of my application?
  • If I make a mistake in my application, will Canadian immigration give me a chance to correct my mistake?
WestWay Immigration Services Inc. - About
WestWay Immigration Services Inc. - About
Why Consult Us

If the answer to any of the following questions is “No“, you may risk jeopardizing an important life decision.

  • Do I understand how Canadian immigration evaluates foreign credentials including education, employment experience, businesses and acquisition of foreign assets?
  • Do I know how to present information about myself and my dependents which is relevant in the context of current Canadian immigration law?
  • Do I understand which criteria are used to make the decision on whether or not my application will be approved?
  • Do I know how to make detailed submissions which incorporate relevant information to meet the requirements of immigration law?
  • Do I know how to minimize the processing time by obtaining a waiver of interview?
  • Do I have the knowledge of Canadian immigration laws, immigration regulations, immigration policy, and important federal court decisions which may be relevant in the processing of my application?
  • If I make a mistake in my application, will Canadian immigration give me a chance to correct my mistake?

Immigration is not merely filling up forms. One has to have the knowledge of the immigration laws, regulations, and policies. Otherwise, you are taking a chance which may be very costly in the long run.

Individuals who are regulated immigration consultants can guide you properly so that you do not make mistakes which may result in a refusal.

WestWay Immigration Services - Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant
The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants

The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants, is the regulatory body for immigration consultants.

It is a national regulatory body that serves and protects the public by overseeing licensed Immigration consulting and International Student advising professionals.

What can Westway do for you?
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What can Westway do for you?
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